5 Great Tips for Orthodontic Marketing – Preventing Cavaties

Here are some strategies for marketing to help patients choose your doctor.

Share Team Photos
The smiles of the team members makes the world of difference and encourage someone to choose your practice. Take photos inside the office , as well as wherever you travel together such as lunches, team training events, birthdays, etc. The evidence of a close-knit team with the right culture can show the way you conduct your business in a positive light.

This should be a lot of fun
Braces are not something that is associated with enjoyable. Many people, particularly kids may feel a little anxious regarding braces and the changes to their lifestyle that it brings. Orthodontics often provide incentives and gift certificates for smoothies. Let patients know that there’s enjoyable too.

Hosting a giveaway
Social media giveaways are a great way to get your name out there. Consider a dental contest, where any healthy can take home prizes. The kind of challenge you can set up will demonstrate the culture of your group, and make your practice fun. This will help in spreading the word of your accomplishments! 1nrg9swuwk.